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Here are the industries where we offer

Special Lime Stone

It is heartening to quote that our products are being used in wide variety of industries in India & abroad. Some of them are:

agriculture industry


We produce a wide range of lime-based products used in agriculture. These products are most often referred to as 'ag-lime'.

Ag-lime is generally used to increase soil pH, which can increase crop yields among a wide range of soil conditions. Ag-lime is often used to improve the physical structure of the soil by reducing surface crusting, increasing water retention, and reducing soil erosion. Lime treatment helps crops to better tolerate drought and/or wet conditions by increasing both root penetration and water percolation through the soil.

Using ag-lime to adjust pH in soils can reduce toxic levels of manganese, iron and aluminum.

  • Manganese and iron exhibit toxicity to plants at a low soil pH.
  • Aluminum increases in solubility as soil pH decreases. High levels of aluminum can restrict root and plant development.
  • Other benefits of ag-lime include:

  • Improving the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil
  • Promoting better nitrogen fixation by legumes
  • Increasing the availability of nutrients to plants
  • Reducing toxicities in the soil
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of some herbicides
  • Supplying calcium, magnesium and other minerals to crops